Laboratory of Sustainability, Efficiency and Effectiveness
Sustainability and efficiency laboratories of the BA School of Business and Finance
Created by the decision of the Senate of the BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF) on May 31, 2016
The Laboratory of Sustainability and Efficiency of the BA School of Business and Finance is a structural unit of the university, the purpose of which is to conduct research, update the practical application of sustainability and efficiency methods in research, the research process, as well as in the creation of policies, processes, systems and individual activities aimed at the principles of sustainability and efficiency in the public and private sector, or in implementation.
The name of the laboratory is Laboratory of Sustainability, Efficiency and Effectiveness, abbreviated as SustEfLab.
The laboratory has the following tasks:
- conduct research, promote the involvement of university students in research
- to popularize pedagogical methods, the scientific activity of the university and the student research of the university;
- participate in the implementation of university study programs;
- provide consultations, conduct seminars, master classes and other public services in accordance with the laboratory’s competence and direction of activity
Head of the laboratory: Dzintra Atstaja
Inclusive Digital Education – a Tool to Understand Circular Economy
LSC FARP lsc-2020/1-0062 Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC) as a basis for the new generation PPP model 2020-2023
More about the project: Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC)
Sub-programme 69.08.00 “Ensuring the operation of cross-border cooperation programs, projects and measures (2014-2020) in the event “Technical assistance of Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation programs” (agreement between Vidzeme University and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development No. IL/27/2020 (7-7/27), 09.04.2020.)
BASBF grant 2019/1 “Circular economy business model and project management in Latvian national economy”
Operational programs of European Union funds “Growth and employment” 8.4.1. of the specific support goal “Improving the professional competence of employed persons” of the European Social Fund project No. “Improving the professional competence of employed persons”: “Green business idea small business start-up” (2019)
BASBF Grant 2018/1 “Circular Economy Perspectives in the Baltic States”
European Social Fund project “Professional development of public administration human resources in the development of better regulation in the field of support for small and medium-sized businesses”, basic module VI “Sustainable business: personnel management and work environment” (2018-2019 training course materials preparation and conducting of seminars)
Development of a transnational unified vision of regional development, logistics and mobility for the North Sea-Baltic corridor within the INTERREG VB project “North Sea Baltic connector of regions” (NSB CoRe) (2016-2018, spatial development planning specialist)
Project “Study tour “Social entrepreneurship in Russia” Kaliningrad 17-20th of July, 2018″ supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The GREENT project (full name: “Blended Learning Design Methodology for Education in Green Entrepreneurship at Secondary Schools”) is funded by the Erasmus+ (2016-2017)
MM&A/Hill + Knowlton Strategies “Bigbank Auto Value Study”